My Best of 2022 Wedding Photography
2022 you were a beauty! A crazy busy year but one that gave so much. In just a few words, it’s been mad, it’s been fun, it’s been challenging but so rewarding, there’s been laughs as well as tears, there’s been ups and a few downs. All I want to say is thank you all from the bottom of my heart for my biggest and best year yet. It still blows my mind that people invite me in to share their special day.
I even managed to win an award at the Welsh National Wedding Awards, something I’ll always be proud of especially in an industry where it’s so easy to compare yourself to others, recognition like that certainly helps.
Finally a massive shoutout to those I’ve worked with, fellow suppliers and also fellow photographers. It’s been a pleasure and I’ve learnt so much. Special shout out to Che Birch-Hayes and Hamish Irvine. You guys rock.
Sound up, go HD and enjoy some memories from my crazy 2022!! I hope you enjoy it - I bloody did!!

I’d love to hear from you if you’re planning your wedding. If you’d like to see some more of my work how about checking out 2021’s epic highlights.